Sustainable Energy Efficiency

Structural, Sustainable, R Value

These blocks are very strong and are a structural load bearing component in a building that can be many levels in height.

The blocks are made from sustainable biological plant fibers that remove CO2 from the air while the plants grow (20 Tonnes per hectare) and the manufacturing process recombines CO2 as the block ages. A 2000 sq ft house constructed with theses blocks will lock up over 5 tonnes of CO2.

Building insulation is measured by a rating called R value. Our standard exterior wall block has a higher R Value compared to a conventional 2×6 woodframe with batt insulation ranging from R16 to R20. This means the blocks will save energy about 0.3 GJ/m2 or $1000 per year for the average home.

Embodied Energy of the blocks is half of conventional building materials at 421 Mj/m2 and Embodied Carbon -17.6 Kg/m2

This sustainable building material meets or exceeds the requirements of all these energy conservation building codes

LEED NC 2009-EA p2 Minumum Energy Performance, beyond code compliance

LEED NC 2009 -MR c2, minimum waste,  c6 rapidly renewable <1 year

LEED NC 2009-MR PC 52 53 54 61 63 80

ASHRAE 90.1 2010 exceeds code

ASHRAE 189.1 2014 Green Building standard

IECC 2015

2015 IgCC